Saturday, April 5, 2014


I'm 28 years old and tonight, April 5th 2014, I was able to finish the Harry Potter series for the first time. I started the series in high school, got distracted halfway through the 5th book, and never finished it. I started these books again, last spring, with my 7(now 8) year old son. 

Cameron was diagnosed with ADHD in Kindergarten. It was hard for me to find ways to get him to focus on one thing for very long and it became very frustrating. He was also very impulsive. Deciding what to do was difficult for me. I did not just want to put him on medication but I could tell it was effecting his self-esteem. He was getting in trouble a lot at school and at home and he became very negative toward himself. My husband and I spent two and half hours with Cameron's pediatrician. He answered all of my questions about ADHD and the most effective ways to treat it while helping to maintain my son's bright and fun personality. I was worried he wouldn't be himself. Dr. V., along with putting him on medication, suggested reading to him more.

The introduction of these books into his life was like an open door for him. He loved to listen to each scene as it played out. He is an eight year old and so there were times I had to pull him back in, but he was truly listening. I felt so much joy each time he would react to a new piece of the plot. I was working full time, 4 nights a week, when we started reading and so I was just reading to him on my three nights off. Just a chapter or two each night. It was something I looked most forward to on those days. We were both falling so in love with these characters. We would talk about what was happening in the books throughout the day and started little inside jokes no one else understood. One night my niece and nephews were over playing and the boys were chasing each other through the house in some kind of battle. Cameron, as he's running past me in the kitchen says, "Mom, I'm pretending they're dementors and I've got my wand," and then he runs off and yells, "Expecto Patronum!" One of my nephews says, "Camo, we're not playing Harry Potter!" Cameron said back, "I know," as he glanced back at me and winked! Watching his mind get lost in this magical world and use his imagination in a whole new way was fascinating. It filled my heart. It sparked a new light in him. It was a wonderful adventure for both of us and I'm glad we read it slowly. The story was more appreciated and details not lost... He was actually upset when we finished the last book. Not because it was sad, but because there were no more Harry Potter books. 

Although he still has ADHD, I feel that he now has an outlet for his energy. He's developed a strong interest in writing. Reading to him helped him find a creative way to express himself. Something to focus on and put himself into, even at the age of eight years old. He loves to write short stories and tells me he wants them published! One day his teacher concernedly informed me of Cameron being off task. She would catch him reading when they were supposed to be doing other work assignments. Of course I felt a little concerned and we talked about how to help him pay attention during those times. But I have to admit feeling a little cheer in my heart. Yay! My son is a reader! 

These books not only aided my son to gain a love of reading, but also taught a very powerful message of courage and standing up for yourself and others even in the hardest times. In believing in something even when it seems impossible. They taught of believing in yourself above all. And not in a proud or arrogant way, but with humility. And most importantly, the lesson that can never be learned too many times; It taught about love being the number one conqueror of all. 

So I'm writing this to spread the word and to Thank J.K. Rowling for her never ending imagination. The detail in these stories is beautiful. They are so well written. It seemed no one was forgotten in the close. Each character's puzzle was put in it's place. I was left feeling content. There was no question, "Well, what about this?" As I have found in so many other stories. It didn't seem that she raced to the finish to publish each book as quickly as possible. She took her time and it was magical. She gave me an opportunity to share something great with my son and I will always cherish it as I hope he will. Always... My hope is that it will become a family tradition. I look forward to reading the series again with my young daughter.